How To Quickly Relieve Headache: 6 Effective Ways

Headache is a minor disease.  There are many Causes of headache, in which stress, lack of sleep, fatigue, hunger, caffeine withdrawal, weather changes, food and drinks such as chocolate or alcohol are included.  But do you know how to get rid of headache as soon as possible, today I tell you through this short article that 6 Effective Ways to quickly relieve headache?

How To Quickly Relieve Headache: 6 Effective Ways

In addition to following the doctor's advice and going to the hospital for treatment, you can also try the following auxiliary methods.

6 Effective way to quickly relieve headache:-

1. Ice pack cold pack: 

Place the ice cubes in the ice pack or wrap it with a towel and apply it to the headache. After the cooled blood vessels in the head contract, the symptoms will naturally alleviate.

2. Lie down and rest for a while: 

If conditions permit, you may wish to take a rest in a dark, quiet room around the migraine. Generally speaking, as long as you sleep for half an hour, the migraine will be relieved.

3. Head massage: 

A moderate massage of the head is an effective way to relieve migraine headaches. The temple is an important point for migraine massage, you can use your index finger to press, you can use your fist to gently massage back and forth from the  temple to the hairline.

4. Drinking green tea: 

The substances in green tea are effective in mitigating migraine headaches, so you can drink green tea in moderation to overcome severe migraine headaches.

5. Meditation: 

Using yoga and meditation is a new way to treat migraine. You can buy a CD of this kind, and meditate for a while with the music closing your eyes when the headache strikes, letting the harmony of nature make you forget the pain.

6. Head wrapped towel:

It may seem ridiculous, but it is indeed a good way to treat migraine. When you are in pain, use a towel or a soft cloth to wrap around the temples, so as to inhibit the expansion of blood vessels and relieve  pain.

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