Top 15 Unbelievable Health Benefits Of Apples

The apple is a very healthy fruit and must be present in any healthy diet.  We talk about the benefits of apples and the reasons for taking them. People like to eat apple not because it is cheap and delicious but because there are lots of health benefits of apples.

Benefits Of Apples

"One apple a day" is a well-known health slogan. Indeed, the benefits of apples are it is rich in sugars, organic acids, cellulose, vitamins, minerals, polyphenols and flavonoids, and are called "all-round healthy fruit" by scientists. So, what kind of health care functions have earned it such a repute apple.

The Apple is one of the most popular fruits. It usually present in the fruit bowl of most houses. That is due to several reasons: they are good, they are inexpensive, they satiate and their flavor gives us the possibility of eating them naturally or using them for infinity of recipes.

Did you know this benefits of apples, that the apple is good for the health of your heart? It is one of the lesser-known properties of this fruit. However, it is essential, since it contains pectin, a fiber that helps reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it's help to prevent cardiovascular disease.

There is a wide variety of types of apples. But some of the most consumed in our country are Early Red One (bright and intense red skin), Top Red (striated red color), the  Royal Gala (with yellow skin and some orange streaks), Granny Smith (deep green with white specks), Golden (the Supreme are green with pinkish hues and the Delicious are greenish yellow with dark dots) and the Gray pippin (grayish yellow color)  , among others.

In addition, the apple is one of the fruits that maintains its nutritional properties for the longest time.  But also has many other benefits of apples that we detail below.  They are so many that many call it the miracle fruit.

Benefits Of Apples

The apple tree is probably the first tree cultivated by humans and one of the most profitable, since its fruit can be preserved without losing too many qualities for more than 6 months.  Although we have them all year on the market, apples are picked in late summer, early fall and that's when they are tastiest.

As you can see the health benefits of apples, the apples is a fruit of great nutritional value that must be present in our diet. Your health will appreciate it. If you're still not convinced, we give you more reasons to eat apple. Let's start:-

1. Lowering blood pressure: 

Excessive sodium is an important factor causing high blood pressure and stroke. Apple contains sufficient potassium, which can combine with excess sodium in the body and excrete it from the body, thereby lowering blood pressure. At the same time, potassium ions  can effectively protect blood vessels and reduce the incidence of hypertension and stroke.

2. Cancer prevention: 

A study by Hirosaki University in Japan confirmed that the polyphenols in apples can inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells. A Finnish study is even more exciting: the flavonoids contained in apples are a kind of high-efficiency antioxidants, which are not only  the best blood vessel clearing agent, but also a cancer killer. The wonderful benefits of apples is that if people eat more apples, the chance of lung cancer can be reduced by 46%, and other cancers can also be reduced by 20%.

The latest research of the French National Institute  of Health Medicine also tells us that the proanthocyanidins in apples can prevent colon cancer.

Related article:- Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

3. Antioxidant effect: 

A research team from Cornell University in the United States immersed mouse brain cells in a liquid containing quercetin and vitamin C, and found that the antioxidant capacity of brain cells was significantly enhanced. Compared with other vegetables and fruits, the quercetin contained in  apples is the best, and red apples are better than yellow and green apples. Therefore, for patients with Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's syndrome, apples are the best food.

4. Low calories:

One of the main benefits of apples vs others fruits is that it contains few calories, about 50 per 100 grams. Of course, that’s why it is perfect for a weight loss diet.

Related article:- How Many Calories Should You Eat? Based on Gender, Age, and Activity

5. Strengthen bones: 

Apple also contains mineral elements boron and manganese that can strengthen bones. A study in the United States found that boron can greatly increase the concentration of estrogen and other compounds in the blood. These substances can effectively prevent calcium loss.

Medical experts believe that  if menopausal women can consume 3 grams of boron a day, their calcium loss rate can be reduced by 46%. In fact, Menopausal women eat more apples, which is conducive to calcium absorption and utilization, and prevents osteoporosis.

6. Protect the heart:

The apple contains pectin, fiber reduces the cholesterol and it helps prevent fat from accumulating in the blood vessels, therefore, it is effective in preventing cardiovascular diseases.

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7. Suitable in cases of diabetes:

Another best benefits of apples is that it helps stabilize blood sugar levels due to its high fiber content, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, preventing spikes in insulin. The American Association of Diabetes recommends eating at least one apple a day.

8. Regulates the intestine:

Taking an apple with skin helps us facilitate bowel movement.  On the other hand, if we consume it peeled, the pectin in its pulp slows down intestinal transit, which works against diarrhea.  In addition, the tannins it contains, especially if you peel it and wait for it to take on a dark color due to the effect of oxidation, are anti-inflammatory and act directly against the cause of diarrhea.

9. Activates the brain:

According to a study by the University of Massachusetts Lowell, apple juice can increase the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that improves memory.

10. Whiten teeth:

A piece of apple after eating protects the mouth from the development of harmful bacteria thanks to the properties of its nutrients. According to the Holistic Dentistry Association, one of the benefits of apples is that it can prevent the development of caries and gingivitis.

Related article:- How To Whiten Teeth With Lemon - Proper Guidelines

11. Lots of vitamin:

It is a great source of vitamins C and A, as well as potassium. A medium apple contains 8 mg of vitamin C. The vitamin C in apples is just under the skin, so you shouldn't peel it off.

12. Fat burning power:

The also apple has power fat burn and slimming due to its high pectin content. Obviously, it is  a miracle fruit, so it must be accompanied by a healthy diet and exercise.

13. Maintain acid-base balance: 

70% of diseases occur in people with acidic constitutions, and apples are alkaline foods. Eating apples can quickly neutralize excessive acidic substances in the body (including the acid produced by exercise and the acidity of fish, meat, eggs  , etc acidic metabolites produced by food in the body) to enhance physical strength and disease resistance.

14. Nails and hair:

If we include apple frequently in our diet, our hair and nails will be stronger and better looking thanks to its mineral content.

15. Hydration and Natural relaxant:

The apple has more than 80% water, making it perfect for correct hydration.

Its phosphorus content makes it have a relaxing effect, so it helps to fall asleep.

I hope you liked our article. You must have understood all the benefits of apples. And you will start eating an apple daily from today.

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