20 Impressive Properties Of Apples You Wouldn't Know

Red, green, yellow, sweeter, more acidic, more and less tasty, alone or accompanied.  The apple is one of the healthiest fruits and we have it throughout the year. I have already told you about the benefits of apple. Today we will learn about properties of apples.

Properties Of Apples

With an apple a day our body will work better and we will feel better.

The properties of apples are numerous, so including it in our daily routine will be a great advantage for our health.

Apple also has the dual function of laxation and anti-diarrhea. Looking at the benefits and properties of apples, I suggest you to eat at least 1 to 2 apples daily. Apple is very good for your health. Many experts also believe that if you eat 1 or 2 apples daily, then you will avoid many diseases.

 Properties Of Apples

20 Properties of apples are:

1. When we say that the apple is the most complete fruit it is because it has multiple nutritional properties contained in it, which make it good for health.  Starting with its carbohydrates in the form of fructose (which energize the body in a healthy and calorie-free manner), fiber, protein and fat.

2. Eating apple regularly provides very positive benefits, strengthening our body and improving our health.  Take advantage of its properties and enjoy the different apple varieties available.

3. The apple provides intestinal stability to the body thanks to the amount of fiber it contains, about 5 grams per piece.  In this way, it helps prevent diseases such as diverticulitis and the appearance of hemorrhoids, among others.

4. It is antidiarrheal and also a laxative.  Contradictory true, but it is so.  On the one hand it serves as a mild laxative, and also helps in cases of colitis or gastroenteritis.

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5. One of the best properties of apples are that it helps us reduce cholesterol thanks to the pectin it contains. It also serves to maintain insulin levels thanks to the fact that it releases sugar and eliminates metals such as mercury and lead.

6. It is the toothbrush of nature.  If you leave it one day at home you can turn to the apple.  Its acidic and astringent nature and its rough skin make it good to help eliminate possible remains.

7. The consumption of apple cider vinegar contributes to the prevention of kidney stones.

8. Eating a piece of this fruit a day helps control both appetite and calorie intake.  It can satisfy us and provides only between 50 and 80 calories per piece. We must add that its caloric content is low: 100 grams of apple provide only about 50 calories.

9. Rich in vitamins. Especially A and C, phosphorus, calcium and iron.

10. It contains a large amount of potassium thus helping the heart.

11. It helps to fall asleep.  Due to its phosphorous content it is a food with sedative values.  If you have trouble sleeping, try eating an apple before going to bed

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12. Due to its content in catechins and quercetins, apples protect against the action of free radicals and therefore have anti-cancer properties.

13. The properties of apples include a large amount of vitamins of groups B, C and E, although their amounts vary according to the type of apple we eat.  As for minerals, potassium is the protagonist, but it is not the only mineral.  the apple also contains sulfur, boron, zinc, fluorine, manganese, selenium, and iodine.

14. It is important to note that apple seeds, if consumed regularly, can be toxic, so it is better to separate them and of course, as for everything, wash the piece well.  Especially because of the pesticide residues with which they can reach our table. Another reason not to lose sight of the apple ... is that the delicious cider is obtained from it.

15. The apple is rich in flavonoids such as quercetin, which has antioxidant powers, tannins, and fatty acids, such as malic acid and tartaric acid.  The combination of all these nutritional properties makes apples a perfect fruit for the body and your health.  Discover its healthy benefits.

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16. According to the World Health Organization, the properties of apples includes that they are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants, and help reduce blood sugar levels.

17. Specifically, red apple is a variety with greater flavor that provides important benefits for the body to function properly.

18. Do you know the vitamin c present in an apple can cover 30% of daily needs

19. 85% of the composition of the apple is water, although a greater part of its sugars derives from fructose, it is considerably less.

20. The healthiest fiber: The apple is rich in pectin, a type of soluble fiber that is not absorbed from the intestine. It retains water and turns into a gel that acts as an emulsion that absorbs waste in the intestine and facilitates the elimination of toxins with the faces.

I hope you like our post. I think you understood 20 properties of apples. We believe that its are enough to force you to include apples in your daily meal.

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