Advantages And Disadvantages Of Banana

What are the advantages and disadvantages of banana? From the perspective of nutritional value, bananas have many benefits, but not everyone is suitable for eating as it also has many disadvantages.

Eating fruits is always the best recommendation for anyone at any age, and we have been told since childhood that a fruit should go inside the lunch box and exchange them daily for a change, since being a food of nature provides us with all the properties that  we need this.

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Banana

However, over the years, as is the case with all persons, their consumption may decrease or change according to their condition and for this reason, today we will be talking about one of your favorite fruits, which is the banana.

If you want to try a banana diet, know that like all other slimming diets. There are also advantages and disadvantages of banana that need to be kept in mind. So let’s know

What are the advantages and disadvantages of banana

Advantages of banana:

1. Bananas help fight depression: They have a lot of tryptophan (the substance from which serotonin is produced - the hormone of happiness). Therefore, eating a banana is easy to improve mood.

2. Bananas: The only fruit that even in infants does not give an allergic reaction.

3. Strengthening bones: Bananas retain calcium in the body, it is not excreted in the urine, but remains in the body and is used to strengthen bones.  This is especially important for coffee lovers who, on the contrary, flush calcium from the body.

4. Improving the intestinal microflora:
Thanks to the enzymes that make up bananas, substances that enter the body with basic food are absorbed faster by the body.

5. Constipation: Bananas are very beneficial for those who suffer from constipation. Regular consumption of bananas will eliminate this problem.

6. Bananas help get rid of such a problem as heartburn.

7. A stomach ulcer: Bananas, when consumed, envelop the walls of the stomach and thereby protect it from aggressive substances and acids in food, this contributes to the healing and scarring of ulcers in the stomach.

8. With diarrhea: Those with diarrhea are advised to eat bananas.  It is a very good restorative product.

9. The high potassium content in the banana pulp saves those who exercise a lot from the spasms of the calf muscles.

10. Edema: Eating bananas significantly reduces swelling in those who suffer from this.

11. Source of energy: If you eat bananas before a workout, you can do it more efficiently - the sugar level will not rise very quickly and there will be enough energy until the end of the workout.

12. Improving digestion: Pectin and chelates, which are part of bananas, well remove toxins and other harmful substances, thereby improving digestion.

13. For women: Serotonin and other beneficial substances that are in bananas, perfectly remove the symptoms of PMS.  If you eat a banana during your period, you can get rid of bad mood and unpleasant symptoms.

14. Anemia: The high iron content in the pulp of a banana makes it simply a necessary food product for anemia.

15. Heart disease: Potassium, which is abundant in bananas, helps to improve the state of blood vessels, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke, and treats hypertension. There are many advantages and disadvantages of banana, but this advantage that banana reduces the risk of heart attack is helpful for all.

Realted Article:- Heart disease- causes and symptoms

16. Increase immunity and prevent cancer: Banana contains Lectin. Lectin is a protein. In the immune system, it can further stimulate T cell differentiation and enhance the body's immunity against cancer.

The composition of bananas includes antioxidants and amino acids, and they are known to protect the body and increase immunity well.

17. The kidneys: Bananas can positively affect the functioning of the kidneys, beneficial substances, trace elements and vitamins improve their condition, remove sand and stones.

18. Nausea: Bananas are an excellent way to get rid of nausea on the road or with toxicosis in pregnant women.

19. Itching from insect bites: Banana skins are a very good remedy for insect bites - just attach the inside of the banana skin to the bite for a few minutes.

20. From the heat: Bananas have the property of lowering body temperature.  This will help you with fever or in extreme heat.

21. Stop smoking: When weaning from nicotine addiction, it is recommended to eat bananas - a large number of vitamins, potassium, and magnesium help to remove nicotine residues from the body and adapt to life without cigarettes.

22. Improving mental abilities: The high potassium content in bananas makes a person susceptible to new information, this is necessary when preparing for exams.

23. Prevention or treatment of high blood pressure: Banana contains potassium, which can excrete excessive sodium ions and lower blood pressure.

24. Rich in fiber: Banana contains many fibers, which can stimulate gastrointestinal motility, increase the volume of feces, and help defecation.

25. Easy satiety, can lose weight:  Banana easy to fill his stomach, a banana approximately equal to half a bowl of rice calories, so many people lose weight when used for food.

26. Bananas in surface there are trace elements boron, eliminate fatigue after exercise bananas

27. Bananas contains vitamins A, B, C and minerals.

28. For older people, it is very beneficial for their balanced diet, as a dessert or ingredient in their meals for easy swallowing and digestion.

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Disadvantages of banana:

1. The digestive system in babies is not ready to absorb such food.

2. Mums themselves should not eat a lot of bananas either, because with the mother’s milk, the child can get components that can cause allergies, and even an extra large dose of vitamin K, which sometimes leads to nuclear jaundice and hemolytic anemia.

3. Bananas can cause harm to people suffering from the following diseases: thrombophlebitis, increased blood clotting, coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus.

4. It is also advisable for people with excess body weight to limit the use of bananas, whose caloric content is quite high.

5. Banana in combination with milk is harmful - this leads to intestinal upset.

6. Unripe (green) bananas are not recommended to be eaten even by a healthy person, since they contain insoluble starch;  it is impossible for our stomach and intestines to process it.

7. Unpleasant sensations, fermentation, bloating, gas formation can occur if you eat unripe banana.

8. Well, do not forget about the dangers of bananas that have been chemically treated (with phenol).

9. Phenol is applied to the surface of the banana so that it does not deteriorate for a long time. Therefore, do not forget to wash the bananas before eating.  Because phenol in large doses is pure poison, and in small doses it can cause cancer.

10. Bananas have more magnesium, and eating bananas on an empty stomach will suddenly increase the magnesium  in the human body and destroy the magnesium-calcium balance in the human blood, which has an inhibitory effect on the cardiovascular and is not conducive to health.   

11. Patients with nephritis should must avoid bananas. Bananas is not good for nephritis patients.

12. Patients with arthritis and diabetes should not eat bananas. Because bananas are high in sugar, they will slow blood circulation and accumulate metabolites, so it may aggravate the disease.

13. It contains 85-95 kcal, a considerable amount in calories, however, it is not excessive if it is maintained in moderate or daily physical exercise.

14. As long as you are overweight or obese, it is recommended to consume it in a moderate way.

15. Nerve injury: Because bananas contain a lot of vitamin B6, excessive consumption can cause nerve damage.

16. Flatulence: They contain both soluble fiber and fructose. If you eat too much banana, it can cause gas.

I think you all guys have understood all the advantages and disadvantages of banana. I hope you liked our article. If you have any kind of questions about any other fruits and vegetables, you can ask us through comments.

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