12 Curious Facts About Apples You May Not Know

Apples come in all shades of red, green, and yellow. Apples belong to the rose family. The science of apple cultivation is called pomology. It takes four to five years for the apple tree to bear fruit for the first time. We have already explained the benefits of apples and advantages and disadvantages of apples. Today, we will know about 12 curious facts about apples on this article, which many of you may not know.

Facts About Apples

Apples are such a common and everyday thing that sometimes we forget that it is a fruit thousands and thousands of years old on earth. What is behind the apple that we eat every day?  In addition to plenty of vitamins and nutrients, lots of fun facts about apples you should know.

Are you interested in learning more about this fruit and its curiosities?  Then be sure to check out this article. Keep reading and learn all facts about apples.

12 curious facts about apples are:

1. They are native to Asia

They come from the Tian Shan Mountains;  a border area between China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.  With the expeditions to America, the apple arrived in the colonies of what is now the United States and spread throughout the territory.

2. Apple varieties

Not only is there a red and green apple, there is also a yellow one, among other colors. One of the oldest varieties of apples is the Lady. There are varieties of apples the size of a cherry to the size of a grapefruit.

Must read:- Can Pregnant Women Eat Apple? - It is Good or Bad?

3. They can be stored for several months

One of the amazing facts about apples is that, we can store apples for several months and they don't lose their freshness. In fact, producers harvest during the season and then store them for up to a year in specially created facilities to avoid the over-ripening process.

4. It is better to keep them in the refrigerator

Since they are better preserved than at room temperature.  Put them in a paper bag and take them to the fridge.  Or use a plastic bag, but be sure to punch a few holes in it before storing the apples.

In the opposite case, if what you want is to make them mature quickly, then leave them outdoors.  This fruit ripens 6 to 10 times faster at room temperature than in the refrigerator.

5. The most important apple producers

They are China, the United States, Turkey, Poland and Italy;  and together they represent 50% of the international production of deciduous fruit trees.

6. Different types of apples

You will be aware of this interesting facts about apples. There are an estimated 7,500 types of apples grown worldwide, of which 2,500 are planted in the United States (although only the wild apple is native to that area).  According to this data, if you tried a new one every day, it would take you 20 years to savor the more than 7 thousand varieties.

Related article :- Types Of Apples (Tables of apples)

7. It is the second most consumed fruit in the US

With more than 19 pounds of whole apples per capita per year and more than 50 pounds of derived products, the apple is below the banana, the No. 1 fruit with more than 28 pounds consumed per year.

Perhaps for this reason it is the official fruit of 6 states, among which are New York, Minnesota and Washington.

8. Helps clean teeth

Due to the acid content of apples and their crisp interior, this fruit is good for cleaning and brightening teeth.  Obviously, eating an apple doesn't free you from brushing your teeth.

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9. The growth of an apple

The tree takes between 4 and 5 years to produce its first fruit and, most curiously, it takes the energy of 50 leaves working to create 1 apple.

10. Helps other fruits ripen

You will be surprised to know this facts about apples of the helps other fruits ripen. If you want to speed up the ripening process of a green tomato, for example, put it in a bag along with apples and you will see that it matures quickly.

11. Seeds of apples

Apples have five seed capsules or carpels.  The amount of seeds per carpel depends on the vigor and health of the plant.  Each apple variety has a certain amount of seeds.

12. Calories and Vitamins

Apples do not contain fat, sodium, or cholesterol. A medium apple has approximately 80 calories. The apple is high in the fiber pectin. An apple provides five grams of fiber.

Did you know this information about the apple? It is strange to imagine that all this refers to a single fruit and that we never stop to think about it. This is just the beginning, the truth is that there are a lot of curious facts about apples that we do not know.

Must read

1. 10 Strange Side Effects Of Apples (Don't Eat Too Much)

2. 30 Amazing Facts About Banana You Won't Believe

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4. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Banana

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