Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Vegetables are ingredients that cancer patients must ingest every day. Vegetables are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols and other nutrients necessary for cancer patients. It is generally believed that cancer patients who eat more vegetables and fruits have a lower chance of recurrence  Vegetables contain nutrients with particularly good anti-cancer effects. In reality, this nutrient is also used as a nutritional supplement for cancer treatment.

Here are 10 kinds of "vegetables that are effective for cancer treatment" that cancer patients especially want to eat:

1. Cauliflower

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Cauliflower prevents lung cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer.

The sulforaphane contained in cauliflower has a strong antioxidant effect. Many experiments have confirmed the effect of sulforaphane on inhibiting the proliferation of lung cancer, breast cancer and pancreatic cancer.

2. Cabbage

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Cabbage treatment of cancer representative vegetables.

Bioactive substances decomposed from glucosinolates rich in cabbage, isothiocyanate, and erucine have strong anti-cancer effects. Although cabbage is a very common ingredient, it is indeed a representative vegetable for cancer treatment.

3. Garlic

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Garlic prevents colorectal cancer.

The star in anti-cancer foods, containing allicin to inhibit the carcinogen nitrosamines. A European Cancer and Nutrition Prospective Survey (EPIC) study found that the higher the garlic intake, the lower the risk of bowel cancer. Garlic is also said to prevent gastric  cancer, colon cancer, esophageal cancer, pancreatic cancer, and breast cancer. WHO recommends that adults eat 2 to 5 grams (about one clove) of fresh garlic daily. If you feel the smell of garlic is too strong, you can also consider eating  onions, leeks and spring onions and other vegetables.

Garlic contains diallyl disulfide (Dally), which can inhibit cancer through its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, diallyl disulfide can also inhibit the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells.

4. Tomato

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Tomato prevents prostate cancer and ovarian cancer.

Tomatoes are very sweet and sweet. They are non-starch fruits and vegetables. Studies have confirmed that eating more non-starch fruits and vegetables can reduce the incidence of upper respiratory and digestive tract cancers such as mouth cancer, lip cancer, and tongue cancer  In addition, tomatoes contain lycopene, although there is still controversy on whether to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, but studies have confirmed that eating foods rich in lycopene can reduce the chance of prostate cancer in mice, or slow down the progression of prostate  cancer .As for whether the same result will appear in humans, further research is still needed. The lycopene contained in tomatoes is fat-soluble, and it is not easy to be lost in the cooking process. It can be added to different thick soups  , and cooking with fatty foods can increase the intake of lycopene.

The lycopene contained in tomatoes is a kind of carotenoids (natural pigments) and has a strong antioxidant effect. Research reports indicate that people who consume more lycopene have a significantly lower chance of developing prostate cancer. In addition, related experiments confirmed that lycopene can indeed  inhibit the proliferation and metastasis of ovarian cancer cells.

5. Bitter melon

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Bitter melon prevents colorectal cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer.

Bitter melon is rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. Experiments have also confirmed that bitter melon extract can inhibit the proliferation of colorectal cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, ovarian cancer and other cancer cells.

6. Ginger

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Ginger Prevents liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, bile duct cancer.

The researchers actually used ginger and cancer cells to conduct experiments, and learned that ginger can directly kill cancer cells in liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, and cholangiocarcinoma, and can also inhibit their reproduction.  In addition, the animal experiment report also pointed out that ginger can inhibit the growth of liver cancer, pancreatic cancer, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer and other cancers, hindering its metastasis.

7. Celery

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Celery β-carotene prevents cancer.

Celery is rich in antioxidant β-carotene, which can prevent cancer.  Related experiments show that celery extract can inhibit cell proliferation and induce it to enter apoptosis (programmed cell death).

8. Onion

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Onion to prevent ovarian cancer.

Onions contain antioxidant components: diallyl sulfur, quercetin and isothiocyanate.  In addition, the report pointed out that the new ingredient "Onion A" (ONA) extracted from onions has a particularly significant anti-tumor effect on ovarian cancer.

9. Carrots

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Carrots to prevent breast cancer.

More than 5,000 years ago, the Middle East and Afghanistan had documented human consumption of carrots. Carrots enhance the body's immunity through the antioxidant properties of carotene. About half a cup of carrots can already provide the vitamin A needed every day. Carrots are also a  source of dietary fiber and vitamin K, and cooking with a little oil can help absorption.

A study by the University of Arkansas found that cooked carrots contain more carotenoids and vitamin C than raw carrots, and the antioxidant content of cooked carrots immediately increased by more than 30%.

In Massachusetts, a study on carotene-containing vegetables was conducted. A total of more than 1,200 residents aged 66 or over participated in the study. Although the study has many limitations and the results cannot be trusted, it shows that eating more dark green and  yellow 3. Vegetables, fruits and vegetables containing carotene may be related to the decline in cancer mortality among the elderly.

Beta-carotene, which has antioxidant effects, is thought to be very effective for cancer treatment.  In clinical trials targeting patients after breast cancer treatment, patients were asked to drink carrot juice daily and found that carotenoids in the blood increased and reduced oxidative stress (oxidative stress).

However, the sugar in carrot juice is relatively high (about 10 to 20 grams in 200 ml). Those who are on a sugar-restricted diet are advised to drink one cup a day.  Please pay attention to the intake of the above vegetables as much as possible.

10. Soyabean

Top 10 Anti-cancer Vegetables for Cancer Patients

Edamame, soy milk and miso are common soy foods we eat every day. Soy is one of the few plant-based foods. It is a good source of protein and a good source of fiber, potassium, magnesium, copper, and manganese  . It is also rich in dietary fiber and helps prevent colorectal cancer. In addition, some studies have shown that eating soy foods can reduce prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels, or may help prevent prostate cancer. The soybean food contains a variety of phytochemicals  and active compounds such as saponins. Research indicates that these compounds can lower blood cholesterol, affect blood sugar levels, and prevent cancer.

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